What to Expect

What to Expect from Your Scan

A Scan for the Physical Body

This work is conducted through the internet and can be done from any place in the world, with several thousand clients worldwide. We can work with you in our office, or via equally reliable hair samples you send to us for scanning. You begin by giving your health history via telephone to him. Afterwards, you simply rest your hand on the cradle while Dr Cochran directs the computer to send digital stimuli and gather your response data. He will be asking you additional questions during the scan. He is able to see everything that has occurred with your body since you were born. The scan does not take long and is safe for infants, children, and adults of all ages. Dr Cochran uses ZYTO’s system to correlate energetic signatures or impulses with physical things like foods and vitamins/minerals, specific body systems and organs, hormones and environmental factors like parasites, molds, and toxins within his own proprietary Five-Phase Program.

When your scan is complete, Dr Cochran generates a detailed report that provides you with the information that was obtained about the specific areas he examined and where the imbalances may be. Dr. Cochran designs a protocol specific to your scan results and recommends the specific Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils and supplements your body indicates it needs to balance itself.  These are provided at the time of your appointment, or can be mailed to you, if we are working from your hair sample.

Click here to see video about physical body scan

A Scan for the Emotional Body

For the emotional body, I work with the EVOX program, also made by ZYTO, for Perception Reframing for those interested in improving the quality of their emotional lives. If you change your perception you can change your life. Perception Reframing Can positively impact any aspect of your 1) Personal Health – Health conditions involve perception, and reframing on health issues can improve the way you feel; 2) Interpersonal Relationships – A better relationship with your spouse, dealing with a problem child, or enjoying your time with coworkers; and 3) Personal Performance – Improve your sports performance, increase your ability to focus, or become a faster learner at school or at work. Perception Reframing increases your ability to choose, it moves you to a position of choice rather than reaction. It can be profound because perception creates personal reality.

The EVOX experience opens you to new ways of seeing things, it’s called Perception Reframing.

Old perceptions that may be stuck and damaging are released and you become free to choose better ways.

When you speak, your voice carries the energy of how you perceive or see the topic you are speaking about. The EVOX records your voice energy and plots it on a graph called a Perception Index (PI). The EVOX then uses your PI to determine frequency signatures that are most useful to you. It then sends those signatures to your hand through the Hand Cradle. I facilitate the process using specifically designed healing sounds, lights, and Bach Flowers.

I can work with individual topics, such as fear of heights or problems with an individual at work, or provide the Transgenerational Reframing Series, which works to remove the negative energy stored in an individual’s body from their interactions with their family or genetic  inheritance.

Click here for video about emotional health scan